At EyeOf Sky, we believe in the joy of possibility. With a strong plan and process, one can achieve any outcome desired. I have extensive experience in transforming school culture, leading teams, business & operations, policy and cultural development that have resulted in over a decade of success. With most recent experience in the Education sector, my specializations will provide a variety of diverse results.
Since 2009, I have been Instrumental in leading collective change and transforming culture as it relates to improved student and parent experiences, strategic routines & systems, and positive staff culture/academic programming.
Experience: Project Manager, Financial Planning, Operations Management, Curriculum planner, Instructional coach, Adjunct professorship Talent & Leadership Development.
Affiliations: Bank of America (formerly MBNA); JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank, Private Bank & Asset Management. Uncommon Schools and Delaware Department of Education Elementary K-6 Executive Director.
Unique Experiences: Cultural design, photography and organizational specialties. EyeOfSky approaches imagery from lens of eye to the sky that depict relevant stories, uplift communities and support transformation.
Formal Education: Bachelors of Arts in History with a minor in Writing from Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. Master's Degree in Political Science with a central focus on Urban Affairs, Policy & Public Administration from Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, NY and Master of Arts in Education from Hunter College, New York, NY.
Main Goal: Guide innovators through systematic process.
EyeOfSky personifies evolution, strategy and innovation. As a cultivator of culture and design, our service will support with identification, planning, and execution or real solutions to aide in solving complex problems.
Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity and not a threat.
- Steve Jobs